Active Environmental Responsibility

We need to build a humanized society for the perspective of Environmental Education

The tragedy occurred last November 5 in the city of Mariana, Central Region of Minas Gerais, has been considered by some experts as the most serious environmental accident in the history of our country. The disruption of Samarco mining tailings dam, of property Vale and Anglo-Australian company BHP, invites us to reflect on the company”s responsibility in the protection of our natural resources. We need to build a humanized society for the perspective of Environmental Education.

The traditional model of environmental management (very weak at the moment in Brazilian politics) is focused on punishing the company with fines and other administrative and legal instruments, rather than creating education policies and environmental incentives and citizen humanization process for this perspective, allowing create in Brazilian society a “feeling ” that all of us, I said all of us, are responsible for preserving and ensuring environmental resourses.

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Biocidal products are known worldwide for its function and efficiency characteristic to inactivate microorganisms in several areas. However, Brazil does not have a relevant and specific legislation for this product, not even a definition provided by the law, which leaves us at a disadvantage in relation to other countries that dominate it and carry out a strict regulatory control as the production, distribution and marketing of biocidal products.

Biocides compounds are present in the production of various products, from pesticides to agronomist application, through the cosmetics area as preservatives, even in the composition of sanitizing products for mold appearance prevention. This information shows in the urgency of drawing up a specific regulatory environment for biocides, taking into account also the risks that this compound may entail for human health and the environment, since their action is strong enough to prevent microbial growth.

Continuar a ler “Regulatory Affairs: BIOCIDES IN BRAZIL: REGULATORY ASPECTS”

Gestão pela Qualidade: 9ª palestra do Programa Seminários Intertox

Na tarde desta terça-feira, dia 24/11, realizou-se na Intertox a 9ª edição do Programa Seminários Intertox com a Palestra “Gestão pela Qualidade”. A palestra foi ministrada por Patrícia Oliveira, gerente financeira e administrativa da Intertox há 4 anos, graduada em Secretariado Executivo Bi e Administração de Empresas, com MBA em Gestão de Empresas pela FAAP e Curso de Capacitação em Gestão e Processos pela Qualidade, Fundação Vanzolini. Experiência de mais de 19 anos nas áreas administrativa e financeira, atuando em indústrias químicas como Akzo Nobel e PPG, empresas de tecnologias como Sycad Systems e Google Brasil.

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Rotulagem GHS: Não perca o prazo!

Em 01 de dezembro de 2015 passa a vigorar no Brasil a obrigação dos rótulos de misturas de produtos químicos estarem adequados ao GHS conforme exigências da norma ABNT-NBR 14725-Parte 3.

Os produtos químicos (misturas) que forem embalados e rotulados até 30 de novembro de 2015 tem seus rótulos válidos até a data final do seu prazo de validade.

Para as substâncias o prazo para adequação já expirou e hoje, já devem possuir rotulagem de acordo com o GHS.

Continuar a ler “Rotulagem GHS: Não perca o prazo!”